A history
of innovation
Tetragon Credit Partners is one of the largest, longest-tenured Collateralized Loan Obligation equity investors globally and has been a leader in the application of the private equity style of investing in CLO equity.
The principals of Tetragon Credit Partners each have over 20 years of structured credit experience encompassing roles on buy-side, sell-side, structuring, trading, research and analytics. Since 2005, the team has deployed over $2.7 billion into CLO equity tranches, across over 125 CLOs and 35 managers.(5)
Having structured $76 billion of CLOs, the team has a deep understanding of CLO manager performance, structures, documents, optionality and market dynamics.(4)
Tetragon Credit Partners currently manages approximately $900 million and has offices in New York and London.(1)
“As one of the early investors to apply the private equity style of investing to CLO equity portfolios, we are proud of our history of innovation in bringing CLO equity products and solutions to the credit market.”
Our approach
We have developed a disciplined and systematic approach that seeks to identify and correctly price key risks and drivers of CLO performance.
Since the initial launch of the underlying strategy in 2005, our CLO investing has looked at the credit, contractual and regulatory perspectives of a complex asset class. To support our investment process and portfolio and risk management, we have sought to develop technology-focused analytical and research systems. Combined, this is how we seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns and sustainable alpha across credit cycles.
We employ an ESG integration strategy, which is defined as the inclusion of material ESG information into the investment process with the goal of delivering superior risk-adjusted returns
and positively influencing manager behaviour.
We believe that ESG information can influence the risk-return profile of our investments and our position as an investor can be leveraged to encourage sustainable and socially responsible behaviour from the CLO managers in which we invest.